Shared Stressful Situations and Affiliation in Stranger Dyads: An experimental Analysis
Redefining Dissociative Identity Disorder: An Exploration of Diagnostic Criteria
In Sickness and in Wealth: Mental Health, Income Levels, and COVID-19
Sexual Satisfaction During Stressful Times: The Role of Sexual Motivation
Living with Multiple Cultural Identities and its Effects on Self-Esteem
The Effect of Feminist Identification on the Perceived Authenticity of Male Allies
The American Chill Pill : Tracking Demographic Changes in US Moral Rationalizations (1995-2020)
More Than Oneself: Cultural Values as Predictors of Happiness
Violent and Agressive Behaviour: Are we Defining the Problem Appropriately?
L’effet de la hiérarchie sociale sur l’évaluation de la douleur d’autrui
Comprendre la douleur chronique au spectre du genre : attentes de rôles de genre et pandémie
L’impact du leadership habilitant sur le bien-être des employés modéré par l’agréabilité des leaders
The Chameleon Effect: The Relationship Between Imitation and Interdependence
Feminism = Women’s Movement? The Effects of Terminology and Gender on Endorsement of Feminism
Does Level of Parental Involvement Predict Juvenile Delinquency?
The Wakening of America: Tracking US Intolerances through the World Values Survey (1995-2014)
The Role of Perceived Parental Involvement in Alcohol Consumption and Tobacco Use in Youth
Exploring Gender Imbalance in Computing Science
Résilience des élèves en classe d’accueil : perception des enseignants au primaire
Dress for Success: How Cosplay Plays a Role in Relationship Dynamics
Parental Racial Socialization Practices in White Families: Raising Racially Sensitive Children
The Effect of Disability Status on Ratings of Platonic Attraction
Testing the Dyadic-Withdrawal Hypothesis in College Students
The Impact of Attachment Style Pairings on Romantic Relationship Satisfaction
Prévenir l’épuisement professionnel : la contribution des pratiques de leadership habilitant
The Effects of Parental Involvement on Youth Substance Use
Using Group Identity and Norms to Explain Prosocial Behaviours in Anonymous Online Environments
Attachment Anxiety as a Barrier to the Benefits of Novel Couple Activities
Profil alimentaire et conjugal selon l’asymétrie du poids des partenaires
Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Communication
Gamers and Video Games Users: What’s the Difference?
Communication Problems During Laboratory Work: Interaction Professor-Student and Student-Student
Infrahumanization and Mental Travel: Effects of Temporal Orientation on Perceived Humanness
Since You’ve Been Gone: Coping with a Relationship Breakup
Death and Dying: An Analysis of Suicide in Pittsburgh
When Conflict is Less Costly: Interdependance as a Buffer in Romantic Relationships
Combiner amitié et sexualité : retour sur le vécu d’adolescents
The Role of Religion as a Protective Factor for Worry
Impact of Group Identification Level and Group-Affirmation on the Evaluation of In-group Dissenter
A Comparison of Majority and Minority Students’ Experiences at a Predominantly White Institution
La relation entre le bien-être eudémonique au travail et le leadership transformationnel
The Meaning of Dysfunctional Group Norms and its Impact on Conformity and Social Identification
Obtaining Academic Success: Nurturing Grit in Students
Maintenir un niveau minimal d’autonomie : une exploration du processus de restauration
Parental Involvement in Children’s Learning: The Role of Children’s Emotion Regulation
The Effect of Interlocutor Status on Second Language Anxiety and Spoken French
Explicit but Not Implicit Mood is Affected by Progressive Social Exclusion
Biracial Ancestry and Socioeconomic Status in Acculturation Perception
The Moderating Role of Oxytocin in the Relationship between Intergroup Bias and Disgust
Behavioural Self-Soothing as a Mediator of Romantic Attachment and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
Effects of Appearance-Related Social Comparisons to a Hypothetical Roommate in Undergraduate Women
Commitment: The Key To Women Staying in Abusive Relationships
Students’ Perception on Parental and Teachers’ Influences on their Learning: A Gender Comparison
Ingroup Identification and Personality
L’apprentissage inconscient des modèles internes d’interaction sociale chez les enfants
Women = Moms but Men ≠ Dads: Stereotype Overlap Between Moms, Dads, Women and Men
Implicit and Explicit Racial Attitudes and Preference for Interracial Dating
La discrimination vécue chez les immigrants
L’engagement affectif : lien avec le leadership authentique et le leadership transformationnel
Terrorism: Justification of Violence through Social Identity Motives and the Existential Dilemma
Le diagnostic comme attribution causale claire pour augmenter le bien-être
Cognitive Frame Switching in Biracial Asian/Caucasian Individuals
Perception de compétence parentale selon la cible de comparaison et le sexe
La création d’un ami imaginaire chez les enfants vivant des relations insatisfaisantes
Personality and Intellectual Abilities as Predictors of Intelligent Behaviour
Trouble dissociatif de l’identité : un regard sur le rôle de la cohérence de l’histoire de vie
Le rôle de la complexité du soi dans la motivation à révéler une identité stigmatisée
Resolving the Unique Situation: Consequences for Identity and Psychological Well-Being