Submit your work today!

Undergraduate students of all universities are invited to submit their manuscript in French or in English. In their letter to the Editor in Chief, the author submitting a manuscript must confirm that they are an undergraduate student and that their manuscript has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. An undergraduate student may submit a manuscript that they have co-written with a professor or a graduate student only if the student is first author. It is not possible to be the first author of an article in the JIRIRI if one’s degree was completed more than six months prior to the submission of the manuscript.

First, the Editor in Chief makes a preliminary selection of the manuscripts and retains those that comply with the JIRIRI’s mission.
The author will then carry out the modifications considered necessary by the editorial board.
Then, the manuscripts are sent to four undergraduate students and one graduate student. These students will write anonymous reviews to the author and send them to the member of the editorial team responsible of the manuscript.
Several rounds of reviews may be undertaken until the manuscript is judged suitable for publication.
The editorial team member will write an edition letter to the author, which will synthesize the reviewers’ comments. This process will be supervised by the consulting editors, who are graduate students. The edition letter must contain the most important comments and the decision regarding publication. The manuscript may be accepted as it is, accepted with minor modifications, rejected with the invitation to resubmit, or it may be rejected completely.
Once all the modifications are done, the manuscript will be published with the other articles of the volume.

The first page of the manuscript must include the title of the article and an abbreviated version of the title containing a maximum of 45 characters. The second page must include a 150 words summary of the article, in French or in English. Also, the author must include five key-words related to the themes discussed in the article. The text must contain a maximum of 7 500 words and it must observe the APA style. If you wish to submit a manuscript, and that it meets the mentioned requirements, please send us the full text to

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