
The JIRIRI has participated in several psychology conventions and does training for undergraduates students.

2023-2024 Events

May 5th, 2023: Scientific Day of the University of Montreal

  • Kiosk to promote of the journal

May 26th, 2023: SQRP convention

  • Presentation of the basics of redaction

Ryachy, D. Lessard, L. Cárdenas, D. (2023, 26-28 mai). Les bases de la rédaction scientifique et du processus de révision par les pairs [communication orale]. Société québécoise pour la recherche en psychologie, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada. 

September 14th, 2023: training for external evaluators at the University of Montreal in French

Gendron Granger N, Landry C, D’Astous V, Floulou I, Popova N, Héroux L,
Alcantar-Laguë E, Pineault-Deault M, Tremblay M, Lavigne C, Lessard L.
(2023, 14 septembre). Formation des évaluateurs externes [communication par affiche]. Journal sur l’identité, les relations interpersonnelles et les relations

August 26th, 2023: Dj Set Event

In partnership with Café Camas, we received 40 people.

August 31st, 2023: Annual BBQ

To present and promote the JIRIRI to the public

November 22nd, 2023: training for external evaluators in English

Bonin-Bourget S, Pineault-Deault M, Floulou I, Tremblay M, Dupuis-Fortier F, Lessard L, Gendron-Granger N. Training for external evaluators [communication par affiche]. Journal sur l’identité, les relations interpersonnelles et les relations. (2023, 22 novembre).

November 30th, 2023: Candy sale
